



电    话:400-600-6870

手    机:15763349658

Q     Q:177748365



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作者: 沧州翻译公司 发布时间:2017-04-29 00:28:38  点击率:


5、在质保到期日之前的任何时间里,如该设备及其零件未能达到上述保证条款的规定,则在买方提出纠正要求后,卖方应承担所有费用并立即a、在设备安装处所在地修理或者改正上述设备或零件,直到达到上述保证条款的规定;或b、在设备安装处拆除上述设备或零件,并且(a)修理或者改正上述设备或零件,直到达到前述保证条款的要求,并将其安装回原处,或(b)在上述设备安装处,提供和安装新的达到前述保证条款要求和满足合同中关于设备及其零件的条款的设备或零件。如果卖方未能在买方提出上述要求后及时履行上述条款a和 b,买方有权在通知卖方后,自行实施或委托第三人实施上述工作。卖方应在买方实施完毕上述工作后的30日内支付已发生的全部费用,但在支付此费用前,买方应向卖方提供发票。1Ao沧州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司
此处的质保到期日指,设备投入运行之日起满    个月,但不超过设备交付至本合同规定的交货地点之日起的    个月,在上述  个月和   个月的质保期内,如买方要求卖方修理设备,则卖方完成本合同规定的全部修理工作所用的时间不计入质保期,即质保期重新计算。1Ao沧州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司


Guarantee 1Ao沧州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司
1, this contract agreement for the procurement of equipment and its operation covered by this contract or based on the description and specifications in line, was fully applicable to the production or sale of the purpose of the buyer and seller know the specific purpose of using the product. At the same time, the seller to ensure that the equipment and its parts do not exist the following circumstances: a, materials and workmanship defects; b, design flaws. But by the buyer to provide design flaws except for the operation. 1Ao沧州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司
2, in accordance with the applicable state laws. 1Ao沧州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司
3, the seller provides the equipment, parts and components is new and has not been used before. 1Ao沧州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司
4, the equipment and spare parts do not exist that could endanger people using personal and property damage of insecurity. 1Ao沧州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司
5, the day before the warranty expires at any time, if the equipment and its parts can not achieve the above-mentioned provisions of the guarantee, then the buyer correction request, the seller should bear all the costs and immediately a, the location of the equipment installation Repair or correction of the equipment or spare parts, until achieving the above provisions of the guarantee, or b, in the removal of the equipment installed equipment or spare parts, and (a) repair or correction of the equipment or spare parts, until the guarantee to achieve the foregoing provisions of the request and Will return to its original installation, or (b) the installation of the equipment, the provision and installation of a new guarantee to achieve the aforementioned requirements and meet the terms of the contract on the terms of equipment and spare parts of equipment or spare parts. If the seller fails to put the buyer's request after a timely compliance with the above terms and b, the buyer the right to notify the seller, to the implementation of a third person or entrusted the implementation of the above work. The seller should the buyer after the completion of the work has 30 days to pay the full cost, but before the payment of this fee, the buyer to the seller to provide invoices. 1Ao沧州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司
Here refers to the quality and maturity, equipment put into operation on the date for months, but not more than equipment delivered to the place of delivery under the contract on the date of the month, in the months and months of warranty , Such as the repair of equipment requires the seller to the buyer, the seller under the contract to complete the repair work all the time spent is not included in warranty period, the warranty period recalculated. 1Ao沧州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司
If the above requirements, including performance testing, the seller to ensure that such equipment in the performance test, according to the specifications of the standard continuous running, but the design by the buyer caused by the failure of any operation except. If the equipment could not reach by the provisions ensure that the requirements should require the buyer, the seller should immediately above (a) or (b) of the provisions of correction, and bear the related costs. 1Ao沧州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司
If this contract contains more than one device, the above provisions were applied to ensure that each device.





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